aint' nothin gonna slow me down, oh no, I got to keep on movin!

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Not a Proper Use for Spandex, a.k.a. "Lycra"


A Proper Use for "Lycra", a.k.a. Spandex

Runner's world cover.jpg

Adventures in Running Lake Padden

I did it. I went for my first jaunt. I intended to merely run from our home, down the road, to the stop sign and back. Maddie said, "What are you doing with your shoes on?" before I left. And this other neighborhood kid said, "Who is that in the grey (running outfit)?" with a look of disbelief on his face (mind you this child has seen me many times before. Thanks for the morale boost kids. Enter Katie Ruthford-my seriously in shape neighbor. She had some other plans for us-like, oh, running AROUND LAKE PADDEN!!!!!!?
I decided to wear some old warm up pants and a Bloomsday marathon shirt that our seriously in shape friend Matt gave me yesterday as an accessory to my "outfit" THANKS MATT!
Before I committed to leaving the house for my run, I did some procrastinatory things to escape the inevitable...checked my e-mail, and Facebook of course, did some dishes, changed a baby. And then my coach, er, I mean, Katie knocked on the door and with a spark in her eye and a way too chipper tone said, "Okay, you ready?" Uh? No?
So we did some stretching which I guess helps warm up the legs and such and then we were off. I saw some very serious runners who looked like they would kill me if I got in their way, so I stayed off to my side of the trail. Katie was energetic and bubbly and let me know we would walk the hills...the hills? Cripes. It felt fine for about 10 minutes and then a flashback of running around the track in high school came flooding my mind...I could almost hear Coach Reicshman saying, "GET MOVING! WE DON'T HAVE ALL DAY HERE FOLKS!! REBECCA!!!! STOP DOING YOUR HAIR WHILE YOU RUN!!!!" I got the obligatory side ache and told Katie. She told me to do some birth breathing, like letting all of my air molecules out completely. So I did. I just pretended I was in labor. It hurt like labor pains. Okay not that bad, but definitely uncomfortable. But while I was struggling to keep a good pace, something was happening. I felt my breath becoming more deep, and for the first time, in a long time, I felt awake and motivated to keep going. So I did.
There were a few "dog hurdles". That's when the owners of small dogs don't keep them on a leash and as you are running, they sort of come up like they want a pet, but you aren't sure if they are going to move, so you just hurdle over them. Or around them. It irritated my serious running coach Katie. And she is right, they really should be leashed.
Then, near the end of the 2.3 miles or whatever horrible distance it was, I heard these words. "Yes, they are running and doing a great job!" It was a dad talking to his kid. He saw me and used the word "runner" in my presence. Sweet.
So we rounded the last bend and then it was walking time (thank you God almighty in Heaven!!!!) and then to the car and back to the house.
My hamstrings hurt (Katie said I could go down the stairs backward if they really hurt tomorrow-gee, great, thanks for the warning (SERIOUSLY?) and I did take a hot bath. I was NOT prepared for the gigantic, voracious appetite that hit me after the run...I'm still hungry after a huge pasta salad, some toast, some eggs, spinach, tea, a cookie, and a bowl of cereal. But then again, I am still nursing baby Ben, so I am working off double calories. Or something like that. Any tips for a good, healthy, filling meal after a run would be super.
I am learning how to post pics on the blog site-Nick will help with that later on. He is on a night mountain bike ride. That's right A NIGHT TIME MOUNTAIN BIKE RIDE. Do you see what I am up against? I live in a neighborhood where every other neighbor is like an Olympic athlete, my husband enjoys riding up a mountain at night on a bike and I have Coach Katie two doors down who likes to run the way I like to eat cookies. I'll never be able to not exercise again! The accountability is nauseating.
I will post tomorrow with the results of how my legs feel and some sweet pictures. But for now, I feel good. I feel the deep breath in my chest and the good tiredness similar to the only main form of exercise I knew as a kid. Going into the ocean and being tossed by the waves while bodyboarding for hours and hours. And then taking a hot shower and putting on soft jammies. Now THAT, is a good feeling, and THIS is mimicking it enough so that I will be running again the day after tomorrow.
Signing off to go eat a steak,

Friday, February 26, 2010

I Refuse

Greetings my six followers and all the peepers who I know look at this and do not sign in,

It rained morning, noon and night. I REFUSE to exercise in the rain. Now, maybe someone who LIKES to exercise would don a parka and forget about it, but not this mama. No way. Call it an excuse or what you may. I polished off the night with a Haggen Daz bar. How bout them apples?

Sorry if I let you down, but do you really want my first jog to be a miserable experience? I think not. So tomorrow's forecast calls for clearing skies. And then I will do it. I will take pictures to prove it.

I have however found that not eating a crap-load of sugar helps lose pounds and I am pleased to say a "new" pair of jeans fit nicely this evening after a week and a half of foregoing sugar.

I learned something new tonight about running gear. Do not call them spandex. They are called "lycra". So, tomorrow after my "jaunt" I will be finding some undergarment lycra. Why do people wear this? It sounds constricting and sweaty. Yuck. Do they wear it underneath their shorts or just alone. I have seen what lycra can do for a nice body and a not so nice body. I will post some pictures to showcase this phenomenon.

Spandexically yours,

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

A Reflection of Childhood

Greetings on this miserable rainy night,
My dear husband has been telling me that I need a hobby (aka-exercise outlet) ever since I first met him. He has struggled to understand how I made it through life without this outlet since he was raised quite the opposite. His poor mother has told me about her amazing, gigantic calendar that used to track all three kids' sports-it was as if each needed their own secretary to keep track of practices, games, summer camps and the likes. I will say, that what was embedded into each of the Gonnella kids was something I could have certainly used growing up. They had a routine and their bodies exhibited fit athletes who now know HOW to exercise and still require it to feel good. And I DID get exercise as a kid, just not the way most do. Come away with me to the High Desert of California, circa 1980's...

Instead of a track, my sister and I had "acreage". Five to be precise, enough to run and run and never see the same thing twice in one day. Instead of a ball to throw, we hurled dried up sandstone and dirt clods at one another, or at a passing rattlesnake. Instead of soccer, we kicked around tumbleweeds. Basketball? Nope, we threw rocks into old rusted cans. Sure there were organized sporting events "in town". And I was on a soccer team. For a few weeks.

It just never appealed to me. The sweating, the competition, the commitment to a long term "plan". No, I much rather preferred to read, to write, to play an instrument. To gaze for hours at the cloud formations in the desert sky. I enjoyed people too much to compete with anyone. I loved music and dancing. I was a dreamer. Who am I kidding-I am a dreamer.

Now, fast forward to the present. Oh! Guess what has motivated me to exercise?! Reading and writing and playing instruments don't help you lose the little fat pockets around your waist and the "squishy" spot on your stomach after birthing three children in under four years! Who would have guessed that skinny Becca who used to drink high fat and protein shakes in hopes of GAINING weight, would be writing a blog about exercise and losing a bit of leftover baby poundage. It all makes sense. I have incorporated writing and exercise. Note which has come first. But I digress. Friday is the day. It begins in less than 72 hours. Me and the pavement. I don't even know what to wear. I don't even care. I'm going the distance.

Exhausted just thinking about it,

PS. Nick, you were right. For the past 13 years you have been encouraging me to at least try to find an exercise outlet. I will have my "plan" to you by close of business tomorrow. Thanks for being my patient, supporting, husband. You were right all along... painting walls is not an outlet. Neither is going grocery shopping alone. And neither is sleeping.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Cake-A band or to eat?

If you will note the first few words of my chosen blog song, they go like this, "Reluctantly crouched at the starting line..." I could not have chosen a better word. Reluctant. However reluctant I may be, and even though there are always dishes to be done, I think my first "jaunt" (people who are casual exercisers use this word) will take place on Friday. I know that was a big run-on sentence, RUN-ON, I didn't even mean to create a play on words there! This is meant to be.
Now, who will be my first "Exerciser Profile" pick of the week...I choose KATIE RUTHFORD. It's on girl. She isn't even a follower of my blog yet, but little does she know, that I have been scoping out her exercise endeavors for a while now. You will be impressed. This is one exercise addict that I am pleased to call my friend. The hope is that addict+phobic will = motivation.
P.S. Cake equals the band. I gave up sweets for Lent.

The ups and downs of an Exercise Phobic

Greetings Everyone,
Here is my very first blog posting.
But I am willing to go the distance. Join me!

Warm Regards,